Harry Potter: wahhh..aku dah tg0k da cter neh smlm..hurmmm..sgt besh..(even msuk lmbt 15min p0m)..heee..xsbr nk tgu part 2..bile la eik akn d tyngkn?? Am not sure cter neh mmg khas t0k children ke x? sbb mcm xssuai jek..especially yg primary level tuh..cm xbpe ssuai ler..but wutever it is? cternye mmg besh..hee...nk bce novel nye cm xtaw ble akn abes..s0 tg0k muvie lg sng, tp my sis ckp, bce novelnye n tg0k muvie skali..tuh lgi besh n k0rg ley bygkn lgi real je cter nye wlaupun mmg rekaan smate2..hak3..dunia d alam fantasi..tp fantasi yg mnakutkn..heheh..ye la bygkn war wit sumone yg lgi tua n lgi b'kuasa drpd harry (Lord Voldermort), heee..tp ak sgt suke sbb kwn2 Harry mmg sgt setia kwn n sgt mmbantu..wahh..gitu..teamwork is very important..keh2..s0 endingnye b'jayakah Harry mlwn Lord Voldermort..sme2 kite tggu part 2 nnti..hee..xsbr sehh..dh le film Harry Potter ni r among the highest grossing film franchise of all times...rse2nye bpe eik collection nye t0k part 1 sje?? hmmm..:D
Contoh Soalan Psikometrik PTD
9 hours ago
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